Slovenian cider news

Cheese and Cider Festival

The visitors of the Cheese and Cider Festival that was held in the central Ljubljana last month, could savour selected Normand ciders, Calvados and Pommeaux. We dressed up in black aprons and served the guests.
It is said that ten cider lovers will prefer ten different cider varieties. Every taste will find its connoisseur. But, as our statistics on the hot festival day show, some stuff is more popular than other.
The GC leaders of the day were the Pommeaux, closely followed by low alcohol keeved ciders. We thought the Pommeau would be more popular on a colder autumn or winter day, but people proved to like it even when it’s hot. All the great ciders also were popular, dryer ones trailing a little behind more sweet cuvees. We believe the explanation is simple — dry cider requires more complex food pairing than we could provide in the street stand settings. The start was great, waiting for the next session at the farm.
Meanwhile, the online shop is up and running.
2024-07-16 23:11